Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Join Tikkum Olam Makers (TOM) at UMD today!

Are you a leader? An engineer? A visionary? A change-maker? A team player? Do you want to make an impact in your community?

If your answer was ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, then keep reading this email!

Hi, my name is Shoshana and I am a sophomore bioengineering major at UMD. I am also the Tikkun Olam Makers (TOM) Fellow for UMD. TOM empowers local communities of Makers, anyone with a passion for problem-solving and social impact, to apply innovation and technology to solve overlooked challenges faced by Need-Knowers, individuals with a personal understanding of a neglected challenge. TOM is creating impact locally and globally by bringing together like-minded people around a shared vision of a more inclusive world.

Specifically, TOM identifies neglected challenges that compromise the well-being of people but do not have an affordable market or government solution usually because they are rare, require a lot of customization, or affect disempowered populations. As of now, TOM operates 70 local communities in 22 countries and five continents. Thus far, these communities have developed over 550 open-source solutions that have the potential of improving the lives of millions of people.

I am working to start TOM: UMD and begin to make an impact on our campus and beyond.

This is where you come in!

We at TOM: UMD are looking to expand our community and add new members who are motivated and excited to collaborate with each other in order to innovate and create solutions to support individuals within UMD and in the greater College Park community. Here are different ways in which you can contribute:
Be a maker! Join one of our teams and help design and prototype solutions that will help people in our communities! No prior engineering or design experience is required.
Join our leadership team! There are many leadership and board positions available for the Spring 2022 semester! Nearly all of our positions will be up for re-election, and we are looking for motivated people to help establish TOM as a club on campus and start planning events for the spring! Some positions that are available:
Events Manager
Fundraising Manager
Outreach/Recruitment Manager
Social Media Manager

Shoshana Distenfeld
President, TOM:UMD

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