Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Interning with the Maryland General Assembly? Please complete the transportation survey!

For all students interning in Annapolis with the Maryland General Assembly for this spring session, if they could please fill out this google form with information about their current internship status (hybrid, remote, fully in-person), and their transportation needs throughout the week, as well as contact information and any and all questions and comments. The link is ter.ps/busmga

Udall Scholarship - Environmental Leadership

NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS OFFICE - Udall Scholarship in Environmental Issues
Francis DuVinage, Director – Leslie Brice, Assistant Director – www.scholarships.umd.edu

Are you a sophomore or junior strongly committed to making a difference in environmental issues through your studies, community service, and career plans? Do you have an outstanding record of activism, leadership, and research on environmental issues? Do you have an excellent record of undergraduate studies, internships and/or research related to the environment?

Learn about the Udall Scholarship in Environmental Issues, a program that seeks to identify future environmental leaders in fields including public policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health, justice, and economics. Udall Scholars take part in a five-day conference in Tucson, Arizona where they meet with other Scholars, elected officials and environmental leaders. Scholars also gain access to a network of environmental policy professionals through the Udall Alumni listserv. Students from all majors are eligible.

Virtual Information Sessions

Monday, November 29, 4:00 - 4:30 pm

Tuesday, November 30, 10:00 - 10:30 am

Tuesday, November 30, 4:00 - 4:30 pm (Live Transcription)

Wednesday, December 1, 12:00 - 12:30 pm

Friday, December 3, 11:00 - 11:30 am

Award Amount: The Udall Scholarship provides up to $7,000 for tuition, room and board, or other educational expenses. Udall Scholarships may be used for tuition, fees, books, room and board, or other specifically approved expenses.

Duration: The Udall Scholarship provides one year of support. Scholars are required to participate in the five-day retreat in early August.

UMD Campus Deadline: January 19, 2022 - This is to be considered for campus nomination.

Who can apply: U.S. Citizens, nationals and permanent residents - Sophomores, Juniors - GPA of 3.5 or higher recommended - All Majors - IMPORTANT: All UMD candidates for Udall Scholarships must be nominated by the University.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

For more information or to speak with NSO staff: scholarships@umd.edu

Register for EDCP108C: Choosing Your Major and Career!

Spring 2022. Online. 1 Credit. Wednesdays 11-11:50am. Restricted to students with 60 credits or less.

Figuring out what to study and work on is a hard problem, and one that you will be trying to solve multiple times in your life as you grow and evolve. The “Choosing Your Major and Career” course is designed as a guided self-discovery experience where you learn more about yourself, the fields you are interested in, and the supporting tools and frameworks that you can come back to throughout your life.

During the semester, you will engage with course content, work with your classmates, and complete projects and reflections to gain a deeper understanding of what drives you, what you are good at, and which majors and careers align with those interests and skills. You will also participate in three one-on-one coaching sessions. This course is one of the offerings of the Intentional Life Lab. Reach out to Jessica Roffe with any questions: jroffe@umd.edu.

Join Tikkum Olam Makers (TOM) at UMD today!

Are you a leader? An engineer? A visionary? A change-maker? A team player? Do you want to make an impact in your community?

If your answer was ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, then keep reading this email!

Hi, my name is Shoshana and I am a sophomore bioengineering major at UMD. I am also the Tikkun Olam Makers (TOM) Fellow for UMD. TOM empowers local communities of Makers, anyone with a passion for problem-solving and social impact, to apply innovation and technology to solve overlooked challenges faced by Need-Knowers, individuals with a personal understanding of a neglected challenge. TOM is creating impact locally and globally by bringing together like-minded people around a shared vision of a more inclusive world.

Specifically, TOM identifies neglected challenges that compromise the well-being of people but do not have an affordable market or government solution usually because they are rare, require a lot of customization, or affect disempowered populations. As of now, TOM operates 70 local communities in 22 countries and five continents. Thus far, these communities have developed over 550 open-source solutions that have the potential of improving the lives of millions of people.

I am working to start TOM: UMD and begin to make an impact on our campus and beyond.

This is where you come in!

We at TOM: UMD are looking to expand our community and add new members who are motivated and excited to collaborate with each other in order to innovate and create solutions to support individuals within UMD and in the greater College Park community. Here are different ways in which you can contribute:
Be a maker! Join one of our teams and help design and prototype solutions that will help people in our communities! No prior engineering or design experience is required.
Join our leadership team! There are many leadership and board positions available for the Spring 2022 semester! Nearly all of our positions will be up for re-election, and we are looking for motivated people to help establish TOM as a club on campus and start planning events for the spring! Some positions that are available:
Events Manager
Fundraising Manager
Outreach/Recruitment Manager
Social Media Manager

Shoshana Distenfeld
President, TOM:UMD

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Check out the Counseling Center's Wellness Workshops!

Looking to improve your mental wellbeing? Check out the Counseling Center's Wellness Workshops! Upcoming workshops over the next week include Dealing with Disappointment, Pay Attention! Tips to Improve Focus, and Taking Control of Your Thoughts. With 16 different topics each month, there are lots to choose from! Attend as many as you'd like--all students are welcome!

Cosmic Bowling is back at TerpZone!

Cosmic Bowling is back at TerpZone!
Every Friday and Saturday night (8 p.m. – 1 a.m.) in the TerpZone:

QUEST Honors Program Information Sessions

Attention all freshmen in the Clark School of Engineering, Smith School of Business, and/or CMNS! The QUEST Honors Program is a hands-on learning community for motivated students with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. Over the course of three years, QUEST students take classes focused on experiential learning projects. These projects solve complex problems for real-world clients and enable you to gain teamwork skills and new perspectives from students outside of your major.

Students graduating in Fall 2023 or later in the A. James Clark School of Engineering, College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, or the Robert H. Smith School of Business are eligible to apply at apply.questumd.com. Applications are open between December 14th and February 1st!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@questumd) to learn more about the program and stay updated on the application!

Come learn more about the QUEST Honors Program at one of our upcoming information sessions! We are currently recruiting talented first-year students for Cohorts 39 and 40 of the program. Applications will open over winter break for students who meet the following criteria:

● Currently a freshman (or graduation date of Fall 2024 or later)
● Currently enrolled in a major offered by the Robert H. Smith School of Business, A. James Clark School of Engineering, and/or College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
● Taken a minimum of 12 credit hours at the University of Maryland, College Park
● Achieved a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the first semester

Come learn more at an information session:
● Tuesday, November 2nd @ 6 PM in ESJ 2208
● Monday, November 8th @ 6 PM in IRB 1116
● Wednesday, November 17th @ 6 PM in VMH 1524

For more information, visit our Prospective Students page!

Are you pre-health, pre-law and/or interested in health advocacy? Take SOCY298C!

Are you interested in learning about our healthcare system and how it impacts people from various communities? Take SOCY298C - Special Topics in Sociology: Sociological Perspectives on Healthcare Policy! Learn how our current healthcare system contributes to current health disparities, ways to improve healthcare accessibility for vulnerable communities, and how to brainstorm alternative policies that take the social determinants of health into account!

Get in touch with the course facilitator to learn more about the course and to answer any questions you may have.

Register for the class on Testudo here: https://ter.ps/socy298c ! 

Fill out the Student Wellness Survey (~ 10 min)! – UMD SGA

Feeling stressed? Take a break from homework to fill out the SGA Student Wellness Survey! This survey will be used to determine which factors contribute most to student wellbeing, to help us better serve the UMD student body.


Any questions? Feel free to email Nathan Boyle at nboyle@umd.edu!

The Answer Class now hiring for Fall 2021 SAT/ACT Prep Instructors


Virtual Tutoring Opportunities!


The Latino Student Fund (LSF) Tutoring Program is seeking tutors/volunteers to serve underprivileged students from PreK-12th grade in math and reading virtually through Zoom.

Times: 4-6pm Tuesdays through Fridays and Saturdays 9am-12pm

-You DO NOT need to be available during all of these times, rather you will choose 1+ hours within these time frames to tutor weekly.

-We will require students and tutors to sign up for regular, weekly schedules. This means that rather than sign up for any sessions you are available each week, you will be paired with one or more students whom you will work with at the same times each week for the entire Fall semester. Based on your and your student’s availability.

If interested please fill-out our LSF 2021-2022 Tutor Training Form; please make an account on https://www.givepulse.com/group/199575-Latino-Student-Fund and sign up for an orientation session, in addition to completing the LSF 2021-2022 Tutor Training Form.

If you have any questions please contact us at tutoringprogram@latinostudentfund.org or 202/377/9260.

Free Tutoring for CHEM, BSCI, MATH, PHYS and MORE!

Tutoring in the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education is a free, walk-in tutorial program that covers most key courses in Writing, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Economics, among other courses! Come visit with any content question or just for a review session. Please visit virtual drop-in tutoring service for more information.

Maryland Student Researchers / Database of Undergrad Research Opportunities


Maryland Student Researchers / Database of Undergrad Research Opportunities

We're excited to announce a new way to search for research opportunities in the Maryland Student Researchers database:

UMD RO (for 'research opportunities') is a new iPhone app conceived and developed by UMD first-year computer science major Pranav Dulepet - click here for a link to the app store!

The UMD RO app is the easiest way to find undergraduate research opportunities at the University of Maryland, College Park!

- Get a current list of all available projects
- Search for projects with a Google-like search
- Get email notifications for new and updated projects based on your searches
- Save projects that you like
- Filter projects by different fields
- Find helpful resources provided by the Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research

All projects are updated periodically from the Maryland Student Research Database so you will never miss out on the right opportunity.

If you have any questions or feedback about the app, please reach out to info.umdro@gmail.com

Don't have an iPhone? You can always review the web-based Maryland Student Researchers database with nearly 200 available opportunities (more added regularly) by clicking here.

The Maryland Student Researchers (MSR) program is a University-wide database where UMD researchers post research opportunities for undergraduate students. It is a great way for undergraduates to learn about the rewards and challenges of academic research. Nearly 200 projects are available this Fall 2021 with more being added so check back regularly over the next several weeks.

To view a recorded presentation on getting started in undergraduate research, and using our database of opportunities, you can request access to our ELMS resource site for undergraduate research. To gain access click here to complete a brief questionnaire.

The MSR bulletin board is designed to help undergraduates find research opportunities that are a good fit for their interests and qualifications, and to help faculty members find students to assist with their research project(s). The research opportunities posted on the MSR website typically call for students to spend around six hours a week working under the direction of a faculty mentor on that faculty member’s own research. Participating students learn skills and gain valuable experience that will enhance their graduate school and job qualifications. Many positions are for volunteers, some are paid.

ELIGIBILITY: Any student in good academic standing may apply directly for any listed opportunities for which they have the listed required skills. It is open to undergraduates of all majors and disciplines with an interest in research. Many positions are offered on a volunteer basis, and selection of undergraduate researchers is made solely by the faculty members who provide the listed opportunities.

CORA Art Drive on November 14th!

Love to paint or draw? Want to contribute to a good cause? Join CORA for an art drive on November 14! RSVP here: https://forms.gle/JgLtEPRQVHixAikB8

Miss Unity Scholarship Pageant Sunday, November 14th 5:30pm

 Miss Unity Scholarship Pageant FREE- Do Not need a Ticket - This Sunday, November 14th 5:30pm. (Doors open at 5:15pm) First Come First Serve Basis.

HOFF Theater in the STAMP.
Come Out and Support the Contestants and the Escorts in Action.

Graduate School Virtual Info Sessions - Fall 2021 - SIGN UP NOW!! - Urban and Community Planning, Real Estate Development, Architecture, Historic Preservation

The School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation at the University of Maryland, College Park provides a nationally-recognized education that meshes applied learning, community engagement, professional mentorship, real-world opportunities, and a supportive and diverse learning culture to ready students for sustainable and socially-minded practice.

This fall, we are holding several virtual graduate school info sessions. We offer 19 different masters degrees designed to prepare students for careers in
urban and community planning
historic preservation
real estate development

Sign up to attend a session here. The GRE is NOT REQUIRED for admission into most programs including the Masters of Architecture, Community Planning, Historic Preservation, and Real Estate Development. Our programs are open to all students from all academic disciplines.

Graduate School Information Sessions (virtual)
Monday, November 15, 2021
Monday, December 6, 2021
Time (all sessions):

Something to think about.
There is no GRE requirement for 17 of the 19 programs.
Students can cut the cost of a Master's Degree.
UMD offers departmental and campus wide graduate assistantships that enables students to cut down the cost of tuition for masters programs. The cost is determined by the program you are enrolled in, the number of credits you take per semester, and the number of hours you are required to work a week for that graduate assistantship. Students may also receive a stipend for the year on top of the tuition waiver depending on the assistantship.

Types of Graduate Assistantships

10 hour per week assistantship: The University pays for 5 credit hours per semester.

20 hour per week assistantship: The University pays for 10 credit hours per semester.

Most graduate programs require 9-15 credits per semester if you are going full time. Nine hours is considered full time in graduate school. If you work 20 hours for a graduate assistantship, and your program requires 9 credits per semester, then your graduate assistantship is covering all of your tuition. You are still required to pay student fees each semester. If you work 20 hours a week in a graduate assistantship, and you take 12 credits per semester, then that assistantship covers 10 or your 12 credits. You are only paying for 2 credits out of pocket plus student fees.

Apply to UMD

Terps Move-Out Donation Drive

Want to support your fellow Terps? Donate to the Terps Move-Out Donation Drive. Between Wednesday, May 11 and Wednesday, May 18, they will b...