Thursday, April 29, 2021

How to Change the World with Architect-Designer Buckminster Fuller - film online + May 5 director discussion

Want to make the world work for 100% of humanity and the planet?

Actor-writer-director-producer, Noel Murphy has created a new documentary on the world-renown American architect, R. Buckminster Fuller, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor, futurist, creator of the geodesic dome, the Dymaxion car, synergetics, and untold other innovative concepts leveraging the ways of doing more with less.

Bucky: A Fuller Future, is Noel's first in a series of three new films on Bucky, his life, his work and the ways you can utilize the approaches of design science in your own life to create change in the world. Including interviews with Jeff Bridges, Marianne Williamson, Jay Leno, Daryl Hannah, and many of Fuller's collaborators and proteges, the film shares Bucky's personal story, the development of his philosophy, and the impacts of his work on others and around the world.

We hope you will enjoy the film and gain insight, inspiration, and energy from Bucky and his life. We are providing free online to UMD Honors College students through mid-May. To get your free viewing code and instructions for watching, complete the form at

We will be holding a special online session with Noel at 12 noon on Wednesday, May 5th. To get things started, he has created this special video invite:


  1. See the full description and info at

  2. See the full description and info at


Terps Move-Out Donation Drive

Want to support your fellow Terps? Donate to the Terps Move-Out Donation Drive. Between Wednesday, May 11 and Wednesday, May 18, they will b...